Face Masks

Wednesday, July 29, 2015


In 'My Skincare Routine' post I mentioned that I would do a post on my favourite face masks. So as promised here it is! Face masks offer you a wide range of skincare benefits with just one application. It can moisture, clarify, lighten, soften, the list goes on about the wonders it does to your skin. You can guarantee to find a face mask that caters to every skin type or issues you can think of. Here are just a few face masks that I use and are working amazingly on my skin. 

£3.79 *price from Superdrug
This product can be used in two ways however, I mostly use it as a face mask."The soft clay based formula absorbs excess oil and unclogs pores to purify skin deep down." This is perfect for my oily skin type and problematic pores on my nose.I apply a thin layer of the product on my face and leave it on for 5 minutes. During the 5 minute wait I experience a cooling, tingling sensation that really relaxes and distress' me. After that I wipe the mask off with a worm wash cloth and ta-da! Beautiful soft skin. 

This mask is a very popular product with beauty bloggers and is one of The Body Shop's 'Beauty Gems'. I decided to give it a try after hearing good things about it from Patricia Bright The mask cleans out my pores and cleanses my skin. This product is for all skin types and warms up when its in contact with wet skin. It amazes me how this product heats up on my face every time I use it. I thought it will cool down after every use but the warmth in the mask is consistent which is GREAT! I also noticed that the mask makes your nail polish matte by rubbing the tiniest amount on your dry nails. This is a weekly treatment and I use this when I am in the shower. 


This is another pore unclogging mask of mine. The pores on my nose are one of the many issues I have with skin, so I need to stack up these product to get rid of them. However, my skin is getting better! This is from the 'clearskin' rage by Avon. The mask goes on black and dries grey when its ready to be rinsed off. When the mask is drying it really tightens your skin and you can see all the dirt from your pores come out to the surface of your skin. Again, I use a warm wash cloth to remove the mask revealing noticeably smaller pores and soft skin.


I have to admit that this mask is the one that I reach for the least, now thinking of it I can't recall the last time I used it *hides face*. I am still going to talk about it though! This is another Avon mask from the 'clearskin' range. It is similar to the black mineral mask above, in the sense that it changes colour when it dries. In this case the product changes from blue to white. I remember it taking 10 - 15 minutes to change colour. Which, I think is why I don't use it as often as the others. I am a very impatient person so I love a quick 5 minute mask that improves my skin. I feel like it takes ages to change colour, but each to their own I guess. In addition to the arguably long wait, it does sting/irritate my skin in some areas (mostly the areas with hyper-pigmentation) but it is not unbearable. As for 'blackhead eliminating' I'm not too sure about that on the other hand, it leaves my skin feeling refreshed, soft and smooth - like the others...

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